The potential of spices

Spices possess immense therapeutic power, besides adding color and flavor to our preparations.They are considered an essential asset in Ayurveda.Spices help digest food, detoxify and purify our body. Most spices carry sattvic (purity) or rajasic (passion) energy. They purify our energy and raise the guna.Their consumption must be adapted according to our dosha, whether we are Vata, Pitta or Kapha.Some practical advice - Keep your spices in a dark place.- Grind the spices yourself with a small mortar.- Add the spices in powder form at the end of cooking.- Or in "vaghar" which allows to increase their gustatory flavor and potentializes their therapeutic qualities. To do this, fry the spices in a fat (ghee, or vegetable oil)- Consume the spices as herbal teas.


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Swami Sivananda

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