Tamas guna

Tamas Guna is one of the three energetic qualities of the universe (along with Sattva Guna, Rajas Guna).
The name comes from the Sanskrit, "Tamas", meaning "darkness", "illusion" and "ignorance" and guna, meaning "quality" or "attribute". Tamas Guna is the quality in the universe that masks the higher consciousness and unity of life.
In the Universe, Tamas is the destructive energy of Mahesha.
Tamas is inertia, laziness, difficulty in feeling anything, apathy, greed. This state is represented by darkness and implies in people predominated by this Guna traits of egocentricity, difficult access to spirituality, a tendency to be depressed, ironic, heavy handed. People who are dominated by Tamas Guna tend to be procrastinators who sleep too much, with fragile health.


The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization requires a very great struggle.

Swami Sivananda

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