Some Ayurvedic beauty secrets

The basic principle of Ayurvedic cosmetics is that of personalizing the treatment according to one's Ayurvedic profile: the Dosha: Pitta, Vata or Kapha. Each dosha is governed by two of the five elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Earth, Water. According to the Ayurvedic approach, we all have these five elements in us, but in different proportions. For example, a Kapha dominant person will have a more oily skin than a Pitta type person. It is the excess or deficiency of one or the other element that will determine the care to adopt. In Ayurveda, it is recommended to use: `non or slightly processed products. -Products that can be ingested (what goes through the skin must be swallowed). Example: sesame oil, coconut oil,...) -to practice a daily beauty routine. The effects of natural products need time to work = No miracle products with immediate effect! Some key products of Ayurvedic beauty: - Vegetable oilsAlways choose an organic vegetable oil of first cold pressure. Vegetable oils can both nourish and moisturize the skin or hair without using chemicals or synthetics. Virgin organic sesame oil is versatile as it can be used for the face, body and hair. Excellent for hair growth and beauty, sesame oil is restructuring and nourishes the skin without leaving a greasy film. Anti-aging, sesame oil nourishes and beautifies nails and hair. It softens dehydrated or irritated skin and makes the epidermis more supple. It calms itching, dandruff and stretch marks. It does not replace sun creams, but it has protective virtues against UVC and is also the main oil used for therapeutic massages.Coconut oilIn Ayurveda, coconut oil has a "cold" profile. It can be used as a moisturizer for the body and face, especially in summer for its cooling effects and UV protection properties. It is beneficial for all, but especially for the Pitta dosha. It is appreciated for its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, repairing and antifungal qualities.Vegetable oils best suited to the different doshas:-Vata (dry skin): sesame, olive, almond, avocado, rose and walnut oils.Pitta (mixed skin): almond oil, coconut oil, apricot kernel oil, argan oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, calophylla oil-Kapha (oily skin): apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, rapeseed oil, sweet almond oil Floral watersFloral waters are applied directly to the face. They refresh the complexion, tighten the pores, soothe and purify the skin.according to its ayurvedic profile:For Vata (dry skin): floral water of roses, ylang-ylangFor Pitta (mixed skin): floral water of rose, lemon, witch hazel, sandalwoodFor Kapha (oily skin): floral water of lavender, mint, roses, bergamot, sage.Amla powderAmla powder is derived from the Indian gooseberry or myrobolan, which is dried and then ground into a balances the three doshas and is suitable for all; but more particularly for Pitta which can be prone to inflammationAmla powder is traditionally known for its regenerating and stimulating actions on the scalp and skin.This powder can be applied as a mask on the face for an anti-aging, soothing and purifying effect; but also on the hair.To do this, take 1 teaspoon of Amla powder in a little warm water with 3 very large drops of liquid organic honey. This preparation is applied to the face and left on for 15 minutes. -Neem PowderNeem powder is excellent for helping to purify and detoxify the skin. It is indicated in the care of oily skin and blemishes, especially acne-prone skin. Its cleansing power also helps to maintain a healthy scalp and helps to soothe it by preventing dandruff and itching. Neem is also known for its repellent and anti-parasitic power -Chickpea flourChickpea flour, called besan or gram in India, is used for its antioxidant action. It is applied in the form of mask but also allows to realize cleaning care by eliminating the dead cells by exfoliating the skin. - GheeGhee (or clarified butter) can provide elasticity to the skin, repair chapped lips, nourish the skin, elbows, heels...).


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Swami Sivananda

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