Means "purifier" in Sanskrit.

Represented by a lotus with sixteen petals; traditionally purple, but sometimes dark blue.

The mantra associated with Vishuddha is: ham. On each of the sixteen petals is a Sanskrit syllable: am, aam, im, iim, um, uum, rim, riim, lrim, lriim, em, aim, om, aum, am, ah.

The chakra is located at the throat, at the spine.

The element associated with this chakra is ether.

It has a direct influence on the thyroid, parathyroid and vocal cords.

Harmonious Vishudda gives the ability to express oneself in different ways, through creativity, and also gives the gift of listening to others. In case of imbalance, the person will have a clear tendency towards uninterrupted chatter, a great lack of listening skills, bad faith in order to mask his lack of self-confidence. He will tend to be ironic, use perpetual irony, and theatrical attitudes out of place, with excessive arm and hand movements. But all this can translate into shyness, stammering, a voice difficult to hear, nervousness. Deep depression, severe insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, hallucinations, respiratory disorders, bronchial ailments, aging, weight loss or weight gain... are all disorders related to the thyroid, the gland managed by this chakra.

If this chakra functions in a balanced way, the way is harmonious, the language clear. Through the throat chakra, we externalize our positive feelings. A balanced chakra results in a good use of speech, but also in an ability to listen to what is being expressed inside and outside.


"The sole purpose of the spiritual life is to renounce all that is not ourselves, and to become what we really are."

Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, dite Amma.

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